Find Out More About Transreport. A Leading Accessibility Technology Company. Learn More About Our History, Purposes And Beliefs.
Our purposes and beliefs are at the heart of everything
At the heart of Transreport’s ethos is a passion and commitment for opening up the world to all, through travel. Our team is constantly looking for ways to use the latest technology to enhance travel experiences. We innovate and bring new ideas to the table to create a brighter future for the transport industry.
Our mission is to improve the travel experience for all customers
Our ethos is a passion and commitment for opening up the world for all
Our team is always striving for ways to use the latest technology to enhance travel experiences
Our innovation creates new ideas for a brighter future in the transport industry
Transreport starts its life as an idea.
A conversation with a disabled passenger changes this idea into a concept.
Launch of our flagship product, Passenger Assistance, as an app for both staff and passengers.
Transreport successfully secures funding from Blackfinch Ventures and Praetura Ventures.
The Passenger Assistance booking website is launched.
Transreport expands its flagship product, Passenger Assistance, into the aviation sector.
Transreport and Hankyu Corporation announce their partnership to transform the experience of rail travel for disabled and older people in Japan.
Jay Shen, Transreport’s CEO, is invited alongside other UK-based startups to attend G7 with British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, to exemplify the strong business relationships the UK is forging with Japan.
Transreport is officially named a finalist in the Inclusivity category at the 2023 Apple Design Awards.